No one wants to struggle to survive.
Fossil fuel dependence is making life more expensive, unsafe, and volatile for everyday people, all while billionaires profit from fuelling climate chaos.
Everyone deserves a safe, affordable future.
Cheap, clean renewable energy is the key to a better future. We need action now to ensure affordable energy, breathable air, and a liveable climate.
We shouldn't be struggling to pay our bills while facing worsening climate impacts year after year.
Let's Show the Feds that with courage and leadership they can make it easier for people and communities everywhere to thrive while tackling multiple overlapping emergencies.
We call on you to act urgently in response to the overlapping crises that people across Canada are currently facing.
We shouldn't be struggling to pay our bills while facing worsening climate impacts year after year. It's time for you to take decisive action to make it easier for people and communities everywhere to thrive.
Fossil fuel dependence is making life more expensive for everyday people while helping billionaires profit off fuelling climate chaos. The good news is that as everything else gets more expensive, renewable energy is cheaper than ever -- in fact, it's the cheapest source of electricity that has ever existed. We need action now to ensure affordable energy, breathable air, and a liveable climate.
It's time to prioritize a transition that tackles the climate crisis while supporting our communities.
We call on you to deliver the following critical pieces of legislative action:
1. Affordable, reliable, renewable energy infrastructure
2. Affordable, safe, green housing
3. Accessible, reliable, electrified transit infrastructure
4. Good, unionized green jobs
5. Immediate relief and direct support for climate impacted communities
The mass government investments we are demanding represent approximately 2% of GDP, for an average of $57 billion in public spending annually over five years. In their “Spend What it Takes” report, Climate Action Network Canada (CAN-Rac) and the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives (CCPA) have outlined out how Canada can afford this plan. Read it here.
Our Vision
Big Oil and their political allies are doing everything they can to withhold cheap, clean electricity from people across the country. They’re doing this to keep fossil fuel CEOs rich at the expense of everyday people.
It’s time for Ottawa to deliver climate solutions powered by renewable energy that save people money and protect our planet.
Everyone deserves access to reliable and resilient electricity that keeps our families and communities safe and connected. The good news is that as everything else gets more expensive, renewable energy is getting cheaper everyday. We need:
Everyone deserves access to affordable housing that keeps us warm in the winter and cool in the summer. Everyone deserves to meet their basic needs for shelter and safety without being held captive by the volatility and inequality of the fossil fuel economy. We need:
From urban centers to remote communities, everyone deserves accessible, sustainable, and reliable options to get around. We need:
Everyone deserves a more secure, safe, and affordable future. That means we must create millions of decent, well-paying union jobs for workers all across Canada. Fossil fuel-dependent workers and communities deserve support though a just transition. We need:
Everyone deserves safety, breathable air, drinkable water, and an environment that is livable for current and future generations. Those most impacted by climate change, often the least responsible, deserve accountability from corporations and billionaires who profited off pillaging our planet. We need: